Veera is the latest Tamil serial airing on ZEE Tamil. It stars Vaishnavi Arulmozhi in the lead role, with Arun Crizer, Subiksha Kayarohanam, Siddarth, and Sivakumar in supporting roles. The leading lady (Veera’s) brother died in an accident. To support the family, a rich man marries his son to Veera. The problems they face in our society due to their unusual marriage are the main crux of the serial.
If you missed an episode, don’t worry. You can watch all the episodes of the Veera serial in the ZEE5 app.
Release Date
The first episode of the serial was aired on February 26, 2024 (Monday).
Here are the cast members of the Veera serial,
- Vaishnavi Arulmozhi
- Arun Crizer
- Subiksha Kayarohanam
- Sibbu Suryan
- Siddarth
- Sivakumar
How To Watch Veera Serial Online On ZEE5
You can watch the Veera serial on the ZEE5 platform. You just need a basic subscription that costs Rs. 599 for 6 months. After that, you can follow the below steps to stream the content.
1. Head to the official website of ZEE5 or Install the ZEE5 application on your device.
2. Login using the subscribed account credentials.
3. Using the search icon, find the Veera serial from the collection.
4. Choose the desired serial poster and click the Watch button to stream the content.
5. You can download the episodes to watch them offline.
Title: Veera
Type: Serial
Writer: Yet to be updated
Director: Yet to be updated
Production: Yet to be updated
Language: Tamil
Release Date: 26 February 2024 (Monday)